Meet Janel. . .
Janel has been in love with horses her whole life.  She grew up on
a cattle, hog and grain farm in Minnesota, but her passion was for
horses.  She would volunteer to care for neighbor’s horses, and
also at a riding and boarding stable while in college.  She never
outgrew her love, and in 1998 bought her first ranch and her first
horse, Prince.

She has been teaching riding lessons since 2000.  Through her
experience, and need to learn why and how, she is self-taught in
her riding method, but does not fail to give credit to various riders
that influenced her – simply by how they rode (both what to do and
not to do).  She also uses her bachelor of science degrees in
fitness and psychology to help riders become better at what they
love.  She is always interested in finding ways to learn and improve
better riding technique and teaching methods.

Besides producing the Basic Western DVD and Arena-side Manual,
Janel has taught primarily private lessons to focus on individual
riders regardless of riding level, and has conducted clinics across
the southwest. She has developed courses for Beginners and
Novice, Intermediate and Advanced, Problem Solving, Ranch
Riding and Cattle Work, Trail Riding, and Confidence in Riding. In
addition, she is a working cowgirl from which she can draw much
experience and various models for teaching horsemen and women
who desire to learn. An hour spent with Janel is an investment in
you and your horse.

You Don't Need Another
Horse Trainer -
You Need a YOU Trainer!
the Brookshire's
About Us
It isn't any surprise, but the Brookshire children are very proficient
in the saddle and both enjoy helping horsemen be safer around
horses and ride their very best.

For the Janel – the goal is to teach people and horses.  Each person
and each animal deserves the opportunity to make the most of his
or her potential.  Through hard work and dedication, everyone can
succeed at whatever they put their mind to.

Stay in the Saddle is the product of this belief and this goal.  Stay in
the Saddle is not only the name of the riding program, but a
philosophy and a commitment.

Stay in the Saddle.  And ride with us.
The Family
Janel Brookshire western riding lessons
Janel Brookshire western riding instructor
Send me your ideas for
clinics, or schedule me to
come to your location.
Stay in the Saddle has
chosen Young Living
Essential Oils and
products in our
commitment to live
happy and healthy,
human and animal alike!

Equine Raindrop ~
Essential Oils Classes

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Essential Oils